Set it "permanently" via
% defaults write NSShowAllViews YES(or whatever your application identifier is), or use the one-shot version:
/Developer/Applications/ -NSShowAllViews YES
In your mouseDown:
if ([event modifierFlags] & NSShiftKeyMask) { constrain = YES; }If you need to check them outside of your mouseDown, and if you're on 10.6 or beyond, you can use
+[NSEvent modifierFlags];
If you're stuck in 10.5 or older, you need to do something like this: dip into carbon:
(Thanks to Mike Ash for pointing out the new 10.6 API)
NSPoint point = [self convertPoint: [event locationInWindow] fromView: nil];
- (void) keyDown: (NSEvent *) event { NSString *characters; characters = [event characters]; unichar character; character = [characters characterAtIndex: 0]; if (character == NSRightArrowFunctionKey) { [self moveSelectedBlockBy: 1]; } else if (character == NSLeftArrowFunctionKey) { [self moveSelectedBlockBy: -1]; } ... and look at whatever other keys you want }
's viewWithTag:
to find it.[self lockFocus]; NSBitmapImageRep *bits; bits = [[NSBitmapImageRep alloc] initWithFocusedViewRect: [self bounds]]; [self unlockFocus];Then you can add it to an
or save it to a file, or whatever.
If you want to retain the vectoritude of the drawing, you can use [self dataWithPDFInsideRect: [self bounds]]
, and then make an NSPDFImageRep
. Avoid the NSEPSImageRep
since it makes a trip through NSPDFImageRep
along with a slow PS to PDF conversion. (Thanks to Peter Hosey for the PDF hint)
, such as you wanting to use an NSNotificationQueue
to coalesce updates for your own mouse tracking code. I've been sticking a call to this in my mouseDown: handler for the cases when I want the secondary run loop - (void) runEventTrackingRunLoop { NSEventType eventType = NSLeftMouseDown; unsigned int eventMask = NSLeftMouseDownMask | NSLeftMouseUpMask | NSLeftMouseDraggedMask | NSMouseMovedMask; while (eventType != NSLeftMouseUp) { NSEvent *event; event = [NSApp nextEventMatchingMask: eventMask untilDate: [NSDate distantFuture] inMode: NSEventTrackingRunLoopMode dequeue: YES]; eventType = [event type]; if (eventType == NSLeftMouseDragged) { [self mouseDragged: event]; } } } // runEventTrackingRunLoop(and thanks to Rainer Brockerhof for pointing out a no-op line of code from the original version of this)
@interface Blah : NSView { NSPoint grabOrigin; NSPoint scrollOrigin; } @end // Blah ... @implementation Blah ... - (void) mouseDown: (NSEvent *) event { // deal in window coordinates. there is a scrolling problem // if using view coordinates because view coordinates // can get transformed grabOrigin = [event locationInWindow]; NSClipView *contentView; contentView = (NSClipView*)[layerView superview]; scrollOrigin = [contentView bounds].origin; } // mouseDown - (void) mouseDragged: (NSEvent *) event { NSPoint mousePoint; mousePoint = [event locationInWindow]; float deltaX, deltaY; deltaX = grabOrigin.x - mousePoint.x; deltaY = mousePoint.y - grabOrigin.y; NSPoint newOrigin; newOrigin = NSMakePoint (scrollOrigin.x + deltaX, scrollOrigin.y + deltaY); [layerView scrollPoint: newOrigin]; } // mouseDragged ... @end // BlahYou can be fancy and check for the option key by look at
[event modifierFlags]
and looking for NSAlternateKeyMask
, and also use the NSCursor open/closedHandCursor.- (void) keyDown: (NSEvent *) event { NSString *chars = [event characters]; unichar character = [chars characterAtIndex: 0]; if (character == 27) { NSLog (@"ESCAPE!"); } } // keyDown
in the event's character string:
- (void) keyDown: (NSEvent *) event { NSString *chars = [event characters]; unichar character = [chars characterAtIndex: 0]; if (character == NSDeleteCharacter) { NSLog (@"Delete!"); } } // keyDown
flagsChanged: (NSEvent *) event
and look at the event there. (flagsChanged: comes from NSResponder, so any responder in the responder chain can react to it)-[NSView setCursor:]
call (drat!) You can get something similar by adding this to your NSView subclass:
- (void) resetCursorRects { [super resetCursorRects]; [self addCursorRect: [self bounds] cursor: [NSCursor crosshairCursor]]; } // resetCursorRects
- (BOOL) _hasEditableCell { return (YES); } // _hasEditableCellThis workaround is necessary at least for Mac OS X 10.1.*.
override var flipped: Bool { return true }