To bind an NSPopupButton:
- Have an NSArray somewhere that you want to supply the popup
- Make an NSArrayController in the nib file (say call it "greeble"), and binds its Value to some keypath (such as your AppDelegate.greebleArray ivar)
- Bind the popup's Content to the array controller's arranged objects (greeble.arrangedObjects). These are the objects that are behind the popup.
- Bind the popup's Content Values to a key path that includes a displayable string. Assuming the objets in the greebleArray array have a title property, you'd bind it to greeble.arrangedObjects.title
- Bind the popup's Selected Object to something, such as an ivar of the type of object that's in the greebleArray. If said ivar is called selectedGreeble, you'd bind to AppDelegate's selectedGreeble.