func BNRTimeBlock(_ block: @noescape () -> Void) -> TimeInterval { var info = mach_timebase_info() guard mach_timebase_info(&info) == KERN_SUCCESS else { return -1 } let start = mach_absolute_time() block() let end = mach_absolute_time() let elapsed = end - start let nanos = elapsed * UInt64(info.numer) / UInt64(info.denom) return TimeInterval(nanos) / TimeInterval(NSEC_PER_SEC) }And call it like
let time1 = BNRTimeBlock { print("groovy") // do other work. } print(" took (time1)")
Just adopt CustomStringConvertible
and implement description
extension Weight: CustomStringConvertible { var description: String { return "(pounds) lbs" } }If you're inheriting from NSObject, then you actually already have a description method, and will get an error to the tune of "redundant conformance of blah blah blah". In that case, you'd do this:
extension IndoorCyclingClass { override var description: String { return "(title) - (classDescription)" } }
enum FilterOptionValue { case oneSided(value: Double) case twoSided(low: Float, high: Double) }You can unpack it piecewise on demand with
if case let .twoSided(low, high) = thingieOption.value { minThingie = Int(low) upperThingie = Int(high) }
#if 0
to tear out chunk of your file.
in Swift generally requires the guts of the conditional to be syntactically correct (even if it's semantically nonsense).
You can abuse the Swift version check to do something similar to #if 0
... #if swift(>=666) aj2n42j4n23jnjsdnfjsnfjnunrun unr unwu nudjfn jsnf jn var window: UIWindow? #endif ...The compiler still does some processing of the code, so you might get an error (like if that cat-stomp at the beginning started with a digit, Swift tries interpreting 2n42j4n23jnjsdnfjsnfjnunrun as an integer literal and fails)
(Thanks to Jeremy Sherman for the idea) Notification.Name("FishBattery"), object: tour)Receiving end
NotificationCenter.default.addObserver( forName: Notification.Name("FishBattery"), object: tour, queue: OperationQueue.main) { [weak self] notification in guard let tour = notification.object as? Tour else { return } if tour == self?.tour { self?.uploadIfNeeded() } }
(lldb) expr -l swift -- let $ook = "verb" (lldb) expr -l swift -- print("I seem to be a ($ook)") I seem to be a verbAnd if you want to call your own stuff (say the project name is
(lldb) expr -l swift -- import C_Interop (lldb) expr -l swift -- SomeClass().useAnother()This creates a new instance of
and calls the useAnother
(Thanks to Zach Waldowski for this one.)