typedef CGRect (^GroovyBlock)(NSInteger spoon, NSString *waffle);Creates a typedef called GroovyBlock that returns a CGRect and takes an integer and a string.
? This declares a property named dataUpdater
that's a block that takes two arguments.
@property (copy, nonatomic) void (^dataUpdater)(NSString *key, id newValue);
+ (void) initialize { static dispatch_once_t init_predicate; dispatch_once (&init_predicate, ^{ CGColorSpaceRef rgbSpace = CGColorSpaceCreateDeviceRGB (); for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { CGFloat components[] = { rawZoneColors[i]._red, rawZoneColors[i]._green, rawZoneColors[i]._blue, rawZoneColors[i]._alpha }; zoneColors[i] = CGColorCreate (rgbSpace, components); } }); } // initialize